There are two possible types of updates for the RCP002: system updates and application updates. Application updates are usually small in size, just a few megabytes, and can be applied in a couple of minutes. System updates are usually a lot larger than application updates and its size can be as large as 3.5GB, but can also be as small as 700kB in some cases.
For an application version to work correctly the latest system update prior to that application version must have already been applied. When a system update is released, generally it includes the latest application update available to date.
As a general rule, users should not update a device's firmware unless issues are being experienced or something bad can happen if the installed firmware is used. Our opinion at Omnicam4Sky is the same, don't update unless you are experiencing issues or you are told by us to do so. Omnicam4Sky cannot be held responsible for firmware updates gone wrong caused by not following the instructions and precautions listed in the update procedure.
The firmware files available for download below are for manual updates only. Automated online updates should be carried out from the RCP002 whenever possible, but it is not possible yet because that functionality is not implemented yet.
While the firmware update downloads, please read the update instructions below.
Patch for OS versions prior to October 2nd 2017 (41.3MB): RCP002-201710021544
OS update after previous patch has been applied or for later versions (1.2GB): RCP002-201807201711
App update (1.2MB): RCP002-201903291112
App update (1.5MB) RCP002-202305081431 VX5
The file names have the following format: RCP002-YYYYMMDDHHMM.upd (YYYY=Year; MM=Month; DD=Day; HH=Hour; MM=Minutes of file creation).
The file names should never be changed because there is information in the file that has to match the name correctly, otherwise the update will be refused by RCP
System updates should be installed in chronological order starting at the version just after the one that is installed in the RCP002 that you wish to update, ending at the most recent one. After updating the system, the application can be updated directly to the latest release.
While the update is being performed by the RCP002, the camera selection keys illuminate in different patterns to report the update status. Here is the description of each pattern: